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Important Announcement From Chairperson SpeakAsia - Haren

Dear Speak Asians,

I am sure that just like the team and management of Speak Asia you too must have viewed the motivated, misconceived and baseless news item relating to Speak Asia on Star News channel.

We are shocked to see the extremely malicious, derogatory and defamatory allegations levelled therein. The entire story appears to be planted by them due to a business rivalry with Speak Asia.

We would like to reassure all of you that there is no truth or substance in these unfounded allegations and necessary instructions have already been issued to take all possible legal actions against the channel.

Please be assured that we will not allow any organization or individual to impede and hamper the well-earned image, trust and respect of Speakasia and thereby attempt to impede its progress and growth. Such attempts will be met with the most stringent legal action.

As always we stand committed to our objectives, ideals and commitments and assure you of our continuous support.

With warm regards,
Haren (Harinder Kaur)


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